laupäev, 17. november 2012

Cinnamon Stick Candleholder - Kaneelikoore küünlahoidja

I have always loved candles and spices. Now I made a combination two of them.  I am addicted to candles and especially at winter time. I thought it would be  another  great idea for making gifts.

All you need is:
Kaneelikoorest küünlahoidja
  • Cinnamon Sticks
  • Rubber band
  • Twine 
  • Decoration ( So badly I wanted to use for a decoration a star anise but I could`t find it)
  • Candle Holder
Place your rubber band around your candle holder and then place your sticks under the rubber band. Once the entire candle holder is covered with sticks, wrap twine  around the rubber band in order to hide it. Decorate however you want and you´re done!

esmaspäev, 5. november 2012

My Cute Chalkboard Paint Wine Bottle - Tahvelvärviga Värvitud Veini Pudel.

...coming soon

Today i went to Vunder to buy a chalkboad paint.  There were two options Deco and Marabu paint. I choose the last one for two reasons: It was smaller and also cheaper. For beginning I don´t need that much paint - 100 ml is enough. There are many ways to use chalkboard paint. I decided to start to paint my lovely old Glög Wine Bottle.Can´t wait to see the result ;) Wuallaaa , siin see on. (=